
Travel CVICU Nurse with Aya Healthcare

Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Chemistry Minor

Please describe your position and what you enjoy most about it.

As a travel CVICU nurse I get to help those in need of critical care meanwhile traveling across the U.S. and exploring on my days off.

What aspects of your HLGU experience helped you prepare for your career?

HLGU helped prepare me for my career through athletics and the relationships I built. They helped sculpt my character into who I am and how I approach my career every day.

Have you or are you currently continuing your education? If so, please list the institution(s) and degree(s) you earned or are working toward.

I am currently enrolled in a Psych DNP program at University of South 阿拉巴马州.

What HLGU professors played a part in your success? How did your relationship with faculty help you succeed?

Dr. 齐格勒 & 夫人. 齐格勒 played a huge role in my success at HLGU and after. They not only encouraged & supported me as a student but as an athlete on and off the court/field and for that I will be forever grateful.

What on-campus activities were you involved in at HLGU?

President of the ATB sorority
Secretary of Science Club
HLGU Women’s Soccer Athlete
HLGU Women’s Basketball Athlete
HLGU Women’s Volleyball Athlete
Fellowship Christian Athletes