Important Numbers & 资源

汉尼拔-LaGrange University is committed to providing a safe, secure learning environment for all 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 客人, and visitors. Your personal safety is extremely important to HLGU. The numbers below are provided if an emergency situation should occur on campus or if help is needed.

HLGU Alert System – Click here for sign up instructions

  • HLGU security phone: 573.248.6268
  • Men’s on call phone: 573.231.8036
  • Women’s on call phone: 573.231.8037
  • Police, fire, ambulance: 911
  • Poison Control Center: 800.222.1222
  • Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.678.7713
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.784.2433
  • 密苏里州 Division of Family Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline: 800.397.3738
  • National Substance Abuse Helpline: 800.662.4375
  • 密苏里州 Alcoholics Anonymous
  • 密苏里州 Division of Behavioral Health: 800.575.7480
  • Turning Point Recovery Center: 573.248.1196 or 800.498.5396
  • Family Resource Center: 573.221.7027 or 800.315.8056

Forms and Information

Emergency Response Guide

The Emergency Response Guide is intended for use by the 汉尼拔-LaGrange University 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 和客人. This guide has been provided by the HLGU Department of Public 安全 and is compiled from information in the HLGU Emergency Plan. It is designed to provide a quick reference during emergencies.

A quick reference brochure for the Emergency Response Guide is available from Public 安全.

Click here to download or view the Emergency Response Guide